Waste and recycling

It's important that we all learn to sort  our waste. The better waste is sorted, the more we can reduse and recycle. 
Read more about the household waste management

IRF offers collection of household waste from homes, where they pick up gray waste bag (household waste), white waste bag (paper, clean cardboard and soft plastic) and red waste bag (special waste). 

Mondays in Funningur, Funningsfjørður, Elduvík, Skálafjørður

Tuesdays in Oyndarfjørður, Skipanes, Søldarfjørður, Lambareiði, Lamba, Rituvík, Æðuvík

Wednesday in Skála, Glyvrar, Saltangará, Runavík


Opening hour for recycling station

Waste that is not covered by household waste can be handed in at the recycling site. There are 5 recycling stations in Runavík municipality you will find different containers for different types of waste.

Fjøruvegur 9, 620 Runavík

Monday: closed
Tuesday to friday: 17.00-19.00
Saturday: 14.00-19.00

Bátahylurin 24, Skála

Tuesday: 17.00-19.00
Thursday: 17.00-19.00
Saturday: 14.00-18.00

Funningsvegur 7

Wednesday: 17.00-19.00
Saturday: 14.00-17.00

Víkarvegur 4

Wednesday: 17.00-19.00
Saturday: 14.00-17.00

Oman í Fjøru 41 

Wednesday: 17.00-19.00
Saturday: 14.00-17.00